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day 8




Railway Station Cambridge

heading off to LONDON

This day we had to get up earlier than we used to because we were going to visit London. We caught the train at nine o’clock. Today the weather was lovely, perfect for our stay in the capital city of the UK.We got off the train at “Liverpool Street” and afterwards we went to “Green Park” where the sun was burning down a lot.After walking through the park we watched the Changing of the Guards in front of “Buckingham Palace”. There were many people so we were not able to see many details.Our next station was “Leicester Square” where we had to get ourselves something to eat. The streets were filled up with a lot of different people.Then we watched the musical “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory”. It told the story of the young boy Charlie wanting to see the shutdown factory of Willy Wonka one time again. The dreamy story was about the young boy experiencing the power of imagination and love. It was also quite exciting to see the costly visual effects.At the end of our trip we had some time to go shopping in “Covent Garden”. All in all, it was a very nice and warm day out in London.


                                                                     by Clemens Neuner and Wolfgang Gaiswinkler 5a

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